Contact us

Contact Us

At, we’re committed to providing our visitors with the most accurate, up-to-date information on Central Universities across India. Whether you’re seeking advice, have a question about our content, or wish to provide feedback, we’re here to listen and assist.

Get in Touch

For general inquiries, suggestions, or feedback, please feel free to reach out to us via email at We value your input and strive to respond to all emails promptly.

Career Opportunities

Are you passionate about education and wish to contribute to our mission of enlightening students about the opportunities available in Central Universities across India? We are always looking for talented individuals to join our team. For job inquiries or to send your resume, please contact us at Let’s make a difference together.

Collaborations and Partnerships

If you represent a Central University, an educational institution, or an organization looking to collaborate or partner with us, we welcome the opportunity to discuss potential synergies. Please email us at with your proposal or idea, and our team will get back to you to explore how we can work together.

Media and Press Inquiries

For media-related inquiries, including requests for interviews, data, or insights into Central Universities in India, please direct your emails to Our team is eager to provide information and support to journalists and media professionals covering the education sector.

Technical Support

Encountering an issue with our website? Please send a detailed description of the problem to, and our technical support team will work diligently to resolve it as quickly as possible.

Social Media

Stay connected with us through our social media channels for the latest updates, news, and interactive content about Central Universities in India. 

We’re Here to Help

Your questions, comments, and feedback are important to us. At, we’re dedicated to creating a supportive and informative platform for all our visitors. Thank you for reaching out to us.